Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Deja vu

I can't help but think back to September 2010 when I look at the charts of the US indices. Back then I was a non believer. Well today I closed my DUST position since GDX looks to be holding 53 pretty well and went long ERX. Alot of stocks and ETFs are breaking out and I hate to chase such moves. XLE, which this ETF tracks 3X has not gone bonkers to the upside yet so I feel more comfortable taking a position in it. If XLE takes out 72.50 it is probably lights out for the bears on this one. We may see the mother of all short covering rallies. I think such a move would imply that we will also be feeling more pain at the pump soon enough. Better make good returns in the market; it's the only way your money will keep up with our supposedly non-existent inflation.

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